
Tuesday 1 April 2014

Cupcakes and Coffee

Another rainy day today so I decided to bake (I also had planned to tidy up my baking cupboard while I was at it but that never happened.....)

Today's attempt was chocolate cupcakes ( I got the recipe from Rachel Allen's "Cake" Book) with vanilla butter cream I wouldn't consider myself the greatest baker but I have to say that these turned out pretty well and the smell of chocolate cake wafting around the house was a huge bonus! Yum!

So when the 4 o'clock slump came around I took the opportunity to sample my efforts accompanied by my favourite Nescafe Mocha - perfect. This has become a bad habit since my 3rd baby was born 3 months ago but a cup of coffee is just what I need at that time of the day!

How I made these cupcakes:

1. Creamed 100g of stork butter (the one from the tub) and whisked in 150g of caster sugar
2. Added in 2 whisked eggs and 125ml milk
3. Mixed in 175g plain flour and 25g cocoa powder sifted and 2tsp baking powder and a pinch of salt
4. Divided the mixture into 12 cupcake cases, I got these cute cupcake cases in Ikea (I LOVE Ikea....and not just for the furniture but also for all the little bits and pieces)
5. Into a fan oven at 180 degrees for 25 mins and Voila!

For the icing I creamed another 100g of stork butter with 200g of icing sugar, drop of vanilla extract and 125ml of milk with a drop of pink food colouring (they turned out more of a peach colour because I was very light handed with the colouring but still looked cute)

Crumbled Twirl on top :)

This recipe makes 12 cupcakes and I'm happy to say the whole family thought they were delicious :)

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