
Friday 23 January 2015

Chicken Pox

This is kind of an unusual post but I thought it was worth mentioning. We have had chicken pox in our house for almost 4 weeks now, Miss nearly 7 started it all off coming out with her first spot just after Christmas, followed by Miss 4 exactly 2 weeks later and finally babyboy got them 5 days after her.

So I thought I'd share a few things I learned about this yucky childhood illness!

1. A child can be breeding the chicken pox for up to 10 days before they get the spots
2. A child is still contagious for 5 days after the last set of spots appear

The best ways to treat chicken pox I found are:

1. Poxclin: This is a a mousse, it is applied directly to the skin, it cools the skin, relieves itching and prevents bacterial infections
2. Calpol/Nurofen: Helps the child feel better, the Chicken Pox is a viral infection and can make the child feel a bit miserable
3. Porridge or Bread Soda Baths: Another way to soothe the skin. Place porridge oats into a nylon stocking and hold under the tap while running the water. Instead of porridge you can sprinkle bread soda into the bath water and even make a paste to apply to the spots after the bath.
4. Zirtek: I have to say, this saved us, I didn't know about this for Miss nearly 7 and she suffered alot more than the other two. This is a antihistamine, and relieves the intense itching. This worked so well and I would have to say that I would have been lost without it. It can only be given to children under 2 years after seeking your doctor's advise.
5. Vivioptal Junior: As a child's defenses can be low after a dose of the chicken pox all three babies are getting a daily dose of this food supplement which has 12 Vitamins and 7 Trace Minerals.

I am not in the medical profession but I am a mother you has had 3 sick babies in the last 4 weeks so I wanted to share my experience....obviously every case is different and you should speak to your doctor if you have any concerns with the chicken pox.

At least we are done with them now as you can only get them once. YAY!!!


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