
Friday 27 February 2015

Little Chocolate Treats

Miss 7's (turning 7) birthday is this weekend and when it's your birthday at school you get to bring in little treats for your class pals. So tonight we made these really cute and very easy little chocolate treats. As food allergies are quiet common I find it easier to just work with chocolate when I'm sending treats to school.

I had these heart shaped moulds that I picked up super cheap in Euro Giant last Valentine's Day. We started by placing chocolate smarties into each mould and then melted a bar of milk chocolate and half a bar of white chocolate.

We added one tsp of milk chocolate and 1/2 tsp of white chocolate into each heart....and then came the fun part.....

......the swirling!!!. I gave the girls a cocktail stick each and they very slowly swirled the two chocolates together.

The final step was to top with some sprinkles and leave them set.

So there you go an easy peasy and most importantly a quick way to make some little chocolate treats.


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