
Saturday 11 April 2015

A quick catch up!!!!

I have not posted in a while as my life has been so busy with alot going on personally and professionally. Not to mention I always feel like March and April are busy months anyway.
So here is a quick catch up!
Mother's Day was such a lovely and relaxing day....started with breakfast in bed (my fav: cup of tea, toasted bagle with bacon, tomatoes and a poached egg) the girls then gave me the little things and cards they had made for me at school, these are the things I treaure the most and they were so excited to give them to me. Hubby treated me to my fav perfume (major brownie points xxx) and left me to relax and enjoy my breakfast. Later that day we went for dinner with my parents (I like to spend Mother's day with my own Mom aswell) in Cork City to one of my favourite dining spots....Perry Street Market Cafe (I'm still dreaming of the pan fried salmon).

Babyboy was finally steady enough for his first pair of shoes (had been in prewalkers since November) He has been walking really since Christmas and properly since he was 14 months but when we brought him to get his shoes they advised to wait another few weeks before getting we did and a few days before he turned 15 months we brought him to Clarks and got these really cute shoes, I love them on him and they go with everything! He's flying around now!!!

St Patrick's Day was another fun day with family and friends. Both the girls took part in our local parade so there was great excitement.

I was lucky enough to get tickets for Pippa's Fashion Factory in The Castlemartyr Resort, in County Cork. If you haven't heard of it, Pippa O'Connor holds these fashion factory around the country and it is such a girlie, fun (and very informative) day out. The day consisted of fab makeup tips, hair style tips, Pippa's favourites (which I loved) a fashion show full of current, afordable fashion from the high street and a really yummy afternoon tea and a belini. It was a fantastic day and I have to say Pippa is even more stunning in the flesh and is such a lovely person, so down to earth and she really is one of the girls. We also got a lovely goodie bag which included two Blank Canvas makeup brushes and so that was the icing on the cake.

Another month and another reason to pack: We had a family wedding in London and after much deliberation we decided to bring the children with us (which I was delighted about really). As the wedding was multicultural there was two wedding events to attend so that meant two wedding outfits per person plus normal day wear etc. I used the same packing method as I did for Paris, which was lay out each outfit for each child (this is defintley the way to pack!!!) We had an absolutley fantastic time, both weddings were brilliant and it was great to experience a different wedding culture and traditions to what we are used to.

Phew.........that was a busy month, plus we had birthdays, days out with friends, parties, BBQ's.....we had a lovely Easter and I hope to do a seperate post about this very soon!


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