
Friday 17 April 2015 late!

As Easter was 2 weeks ago this will be a quick post....I just thought I'd share a few pics and how I made up my little Easter gift bags.

I picked up Easter themed bits and bobs and of course loads of chocolate. I love Euro Giant for occasions such as Easter, Halloween, Valentines Day etc. they stock alot of decorations and cute things for kids. I love the little gift bags, ribbons, confetti and eggs on sticks, I used all these to make up my Easter gift bags. I probably spent less than a fiver on all the above (not including the chocolate)....such good value. I filled each bag with mini eggs, chocolate chicks, lambs, bunnies etc. tied with a ribbon and popped in a little egg on a stick for extra decoration. They were a big hit and super easy to make!!!

Hope everyone had a lovely Easter, it's great to see the weather getting brighter and warmer now and it really feels like spring is here at last!


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